By completing this form you will update both GSO and Intergroup.

To notify GSO directly use the paper pink form or the AA GSO online pink form here. If you update AA GSO directly, the SMIG website will not be updated. Please contact the SMIG ECLO to update the SMIG website.

PLEASE NOTE: This form is NOT for anyone wanting to join or go to a group. It is for registering new AA meetings or updating existing meeting details.

Step 1 of 2


Meeting Name

Meeting Address

Meeting Date/Time

Meeting Type

Meeting Facilities

Contacts for publication in the local and national "Where to Find"

(2 People Max) TELEPHONE CONTACTS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE WHERE TO FIND: Extract from p76 of the Structure Handbook - Members whose names appear in the Where to Find should be prepared to take full responsibility as contacts and delegate where necessary. This implies that such a telephone number will be freely available within the Fellowship and that the contact is prepared at any time to: - accept a call for help - give information to a professional e.g. a GSO number - guide a family member to the right source for help e.g. to Al-Anon - speak to members of the Fellowship enquiring about meetings

Additional Information